About Us
District Profile
Located in the historic village of Mormon Lake Arizona, the Mormon Lake Fire District was established in 1987 to provide fire and emergency services to residents and visitors within the Mormon Lake Fire District (MLFD) . The Mormon Lake Fire District protects an area which spans 45 square miles and also responds out of its district along the Forest Highway 3 corridor. MLFD provides All Hazard Emergency Response, with a year round population of under 500 and about 4000 season residents. However, during peak summer season, MLFD serves over 10,000 residents, guests, and visitors, and over 140 square miles in and around the Mormon Lake Fire District.
Fire District
- Approximately 1,500 Residents
- 10,000 Peak Seasonal Visitors, Guests, and Residents.
- E-60 - 1,250 Gallon Type 1 Pumper
- R-61 - Transport Capable Rescue
- B-63 - 250 Gallon Type 6 Brush Truck
- B-64 - 250 Gallon Type 6 Brush Truck
- T-61 - 2,500 Gallon Tender
- T-62 - 3,500 Gallon Tender
- R-66 - Wilderness Rescue Polaris
Fire District Boundary Map Link
AZ Attourney General Hand Book on Open Meeting Laws.pdfMLFD By Laws & Policy Statement.pdfMLFD Board Member Responsibilties, Commitments, & Code of Conduct.pdf